1.1 Accounts In My Callsheet


There are 3 types of accounts in my callsheet – a regular account, a company profile and a guest account.

In order to create or join a company profile, or create a guest account, you first have to create a regular account.
A company profile is perfect for production companies or agencies, to share their responsibilities.
A guest account is a temporary account that you can create for someone who is uninterested in or is unable to have a regular account meaning they won't or can't.

1.2 Regular Account With Simple Menu


Create a regular account either via www.mycallsheet.works or in our mobile app.

The “Dashboard” is filled with pending notifications. “My callsheets” contains all the callsheets you have created or received, “My calendar” shows you the duration of your callsheets and through “My contacts” you can check contact requests, invite others, add people you know and create guest accounts.

Update your profile whenever you feel like it. If you make your profile private, people will not see your contact details unless you have them in your contact list, or you share the same Callsheet.

Press the save button when you are done.

1.3 The Company Profile


A company profile allows teams from agencies and production companies to easily cooperate. You can join a company profile if someone invites you or you can create your own company profile at the end of the initial registration process. You can also do it later through the menu in the top right corner.

People added to the company profile are listed as the employees. You can always invite more people. Those with manager rights can go to the company's settings and they can also pass the manager rights to other profiles. Once you are a part of a company profile, your menu will change from a "simple menu" to the "company menu".


2.1 My Callsheet Template


Each Callsheet template has a shared section with Basic info and Team. Every member of the Team has a "personal section". Turn on "Edit mode" and name your Callsheet. To add a Project you have to select the beginning and the end of it. Click on any day twice to select only that day. Add a different call time for each day. The location can be an address or a point of interest. Write down some more details or simply drag and drop files meant for the whole team. Add people from your contact list to the team. Basic information and other team members with matching dates will only be displayed to them.

Trip details, private info and receipts are different for everyone. Adding a flight, a hotel,notes or files has never been easier. The receipts will be waiting for in the bottom of the Callsheet. Switch the Callsheet status to "Active" to deliver the Callsheet to everyone in the team. Check who has pressed the "Got It" button in the "Got It Overview".

2.2 Callsheet Rights


You can find your rights on top of a Callsheet or next to your name in the Team section. The rights tell you what sections of the call sheet you are able to edit.

As a user you can edit your own personal section only. A user is anyone simply added to the Team.

As an agent you can edit the personal section of the person you have been assigned to.

As an admin you can edit the whole Callsheet, including the personal section of each team member.By adding a new Callsheet you automatically become it's administrator. By ticking the "Callsheet admin" box, you can anyone a Callsheet administrator.

2.3 Callsheet Status


The status of a Callsheet can be either "Concept" or "Active".

When the Callsheet is "Concept" only Callsheet Administrators can see and edit it. Once it is switched to "Active", it will also be visible to the Users and Agents. By activating the Callsheet you automatically send a notification to everyone in the Team.

2.4 Creating A callsheet For Myself (mobile)


Go to www.mycallsheet.works under "My Callsheets", +Add a Callsheet and turn on Edit mode. If you are creating the Callsheet for just yourself switch the Status to "Active" already to enable it in the mobile app. Change the Callsheet name, name the Project, add the dates, add call time and location. Add some general notes and files to the additional info if you want to.

And finally, any transportation and accommodation. Upload flight and hotel confirmations to the Private info and write some notes if you need. Upload receipts as soon as you have them. You can also edit Private info and Receipts using the mobile app.


2.5 Delivering A Callsheet


Delivering a Callsheet basically means that you add someone's Regular account, Guest account or Company profile from your contact list to the Team and you switch the Callsheet Status to "Active". Everyone from the Team will then get a notification and they will be able to access the Callsheet.


2.6 Opening A Callsheet (mobile app)


Viewing your Callsheet in a website browser is very straightforward. Viewing the Callsheet in the mobile app has more benefits . First of all, press the "Got it" button to let the production company and your agent know that you have received your Callsheet. Open the location address in your preferred maps. View and share attachments. Easily get in touch with anyone you need. If you have a flight with an added booking code, click on it, select your airline, paste the automatically copied booking code and check in. Private info may already have attachments and notes. Edit them or add new ones. And finally, take pictures of your receipts and share them with your agency or clients. You can add or delete the receipts even after you have sent the link.

3.1 Shared Company Menu


Jennifer and Josh are both producers and they are both assigned as employees to the production 24/7 company profile. When Josh goes to his dashboard, he will find a notification saying that he has been added to a Callsheet named Summer Vibes. He can find that call sheet under My Callsheets and he can see the production dates in his Calendar. Jennifer has two notifications saying that she has been added to two different Callsheets. She can find both of them under My Callsheet and see them in her Calendar. The notifications, callsheets and calendars were different for both of them in the personalized part of the menu.

However, the lower part of the menu is shared. That means that everyone from the company sees the content identically. When Josh enters the company dashboard, he sees the notifications meant for him as well as notifications meant for Jennifer, the callsheets listed are all the callsheets from the company and he can see all the productions in the calendar, unlike when he checked his own calendar. Jennifer can see the exact same thing. Both of them can open any callsheet. Jennifer can open the summer Vibes callsheet, although she hasn't been added to it. The company profile acts as a bridge and allows her to work on her colleague's callsheets just in case he can't. The contacts are shared as well and the Employees list chose the users sharing a Company profile and a Company menu.


4.1 Create A Guest Account


Create a Guest account for someone who doesn't want to or can't create a Regular account and keep up your workflow. You can create it through My Contacts or simply when adding a team member to a callsheet. Your guest will receive an automatically generated username and password to the e-mail that you have entered. A Guest account is a temporary account that can be added one time to a callsheet of your choice. Your guest has a reason not to have a Regular account and we want to respect that. So the a Guest account will be deleted together with all the personal data two days after the final dates, you have chosen for your guest on the callsheet.

4.2 Add Your Guest To A Callsheet


Add your guest as a User, Admin or Agent.

5.1 I Am A Guest


Someone has created a Guest account for you and you got an e-mail with the automatically generated username and password. If you have an iPhone, download the mobile application to have the best experience and sign in. If you don't have an iPhone open a website browser, go to www.myCallsheet.works and sign in with the received credentials. The first time you sign in, you will be asked to complete the registration process. It is necessary in order to stay in accordance with European GDPR regulations. At first, My Callsheets may be empty, but don't worry. That means the callsheet is just not visible to you yet.

As a guest, you cannot create your own callsheets. Once the callsheet is ready, you will be notified. Press the "Got It" button to let the production company and your agents know that you have gotten the callsheet, your guest account and all your personal data will be automatically deleted two days after the last date that has been assigned to you. So don't forget to save everything you need.

5.2 I Am An Agent


You have been assigned to someone as an agent. That means that you can edit that person's Personal section. Once you open that callsheet, you will find the "Got It" button. Click on it and let the production company know that you have received the callsheet. The person you have been added to has her/his own "Got It" button and you can see if she has/he has already pressed it under the "Got It Overview".

Turn on Edit mode and start editing the Transportation, Accommodation and Private notes. You will find the Receipts at the bottom.


My Callsheet s.r.o.
K Ovcinu 297/18
32100 Plzen
Czech Republic

Identification Number: 05879582
E-mail: info@mycallsheet.com
Phone: +420777563550


My Callsheet s.r.o.

is a company, which has developed a new and revolutionary way to send or receive callsheets and work with them. Everything is evolving, so do callsheets.

In cooperaition with DaMi development s.r.o. and Legal Partners s.r.o.

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